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Running Magento on Digital Ocean – A Review and Benchmarks

I’d recently seen a few people mention Digital Ocean, and their $5/month SSD-based VPS offering. I read about it, and was interested to know if Magento would run on their plans, and how well. But at the time I couldn’t be bothered actually doing any testing.

However, thanks to the wonders of Google’s re-marketing every site I visited on the internet for the next couple of weeks reminded me about them and so I finally decided to throw up a quick test site and run some benchmarks.

In this post I’ll run through a quick setup guide using Digital Ocean to run Magento, and then the results of a few simple benchmark tests using my Magento Speed Test service.

Digital Ocean
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Making a sitemap.xml for Magento

A few people have asked with regards to my Magento Speed Test, how to create a sitemap.xml for their Magento store so that they can test their speed/performance.

So here we go:

1) Go to Catalog->Google Sitemap in the admin

2) Click ‘Add Sitemap’

3) Enter these details:

4) Save&Generate.

That should do the trick. You can now see how fast your Magento store is performing. Note that once you have a sitemap, you should submit it.

Have fun.