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Bad Usability Fixed: No End Date For Google Checkout Payout Transaction Report

I have been helping out with some sales reporting lately which has meant I have been using the order and transaction CSV downloads Google Checkout offers.

I found one feature of Google Checkout strangely lacking on the usability front. The payout and transaction download only allows you to specify a single day rather than a date range, so if you wanted a month of data you would have to run the report 30 times and aggregate the data in your own spreadsheet: no thanks Google!

Google Checkout Transaction download only offers a single day.
Google Checkout Transaction download only offers a single day.

Continue reading Bad Usability Fixed: No End Date For Google Checkout Payout Transaction Report

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Magento Fails when using Google Checkout Merchant Calculated Shipping Callbacks: An HTTPS URL is required.

Long time, no post – busy time with Christmas and New years. I went to Mahia Beach on the east coast of New Zealand, amazing place – I was lucky enough to swim with a wild dolphin named Moko, he stole someones boogie board too!

Anyway, to more nerdy subject matter, I recently upgraded our Magento webstore to version – it was relatively painless except for one major hiccup. There seems to be a bug with the configuration scopes in the new version of Magento that means the HTTPS URL is not propagating to the webstore from the default configuration scope.

The problem manifests itself as your Google Checkout merchant calculated shipping callback failing (and subsequently using the default amount). There is a message in the Google checkout integration console:

URL you are using for merchant calculations is not valid or is not https — the error we got is: An HTTPS URL is required.

Continue reading Magento Fails when using Google Checkout Merchant Calculated Shipping Callbacks: An HTTPS URL is required.

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Magento 1.1.7 Google Checkout and Free Shipping (part 2)

In my last post I showed how to correct the problem that was causing Magento to generate invalid XML for Google Checkout. In this post I will show how to fix another Magento problem with Free Shipping over $X and Google Checkout.

The issue is that even though free shipping shows correctly on the webstore – when Google Checkout makes the merchant calculation callback free shipping is not returned as an option when it should be.

Continue reading Magento 1.1.7 Google Checkout and Free Shipping (part 2)

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Magento 1.1.7 Google Checkout and Free Shipping

I have been working with the Magento E-commerce platform and have to say it’s generally pretty slick. I ran into a problem though when trying to get the Google Checkout integration working. The error message in the Google Checkout integration console was:

"We were looking for data in your merchant-calculation-results, but were not
able to find it: result: address-id: XXXXXX"

The problem was that the XML response Magento was sending back had the correct calculations for each shipping method that was available but it didn’t include the shipping methods that were not available for the address. These are required according to the Google Checkout XML API Docs.

Continue reading Magento 1.1.7 Google Checkout and Free Shipping