I’ve made a new Magento extension for submitting your store sitemap to Google, Yahoo, Ask and Bing. My new extension can submit automatically whenever the sitemap is regenerated, or on-demand from the admin UI. More about how I made it and how it works below, but first a little background.
Continue reading Sitemap Submit – Magento Extension to Submit your Google Sitemap
Author: Ashley
Magento Events Explained and a few Gotchas avoided!
This post is about the Magento Event system – a full explanation of how it works and a couple of issues I had with it resolved. Hope it is a help for people wrestling with the Magento event dispatch mechanism.
My particular situation was this: when automatically fetching tracking details from our carriers via a Magento cron job, the resulting Google Checkout Magento event did not fire, so the end customer was not receiving the notification properly – even though the ‘shipment’ object within Magento was correctly displaying the tracking details.
Continue reading Magento Events Explained and a few Gotchas avoided!
A super simple Magento store monitoring tool powered by Google App Engine
I took a bit of a break for the usual Magento development last weekend and had a crack at making a simple webstore monitoring app using Google App Engine. The application was made to monitor our webstores from a reliable, US network – and who more reliable than Google? So this blog post will detail the site monitoring app, and my thoughts on the Google app engine platform. I’d also invite anyone to try my app and let me know any thoughts you have on it, or how I could improve it.
UPDATE July 2011: I have since created a much more fully features Magento monitoring tool called magespeedtest.com – it checks speed and performance regularly and emails you if it differs from your preset tolerance. I won’t be adding new features to this monitor, it’s still free and I’ll keep it up and running for as long as it makes sense to, but any future development will be on MageSpeedTest.com.
Continue reading A super simple Magento store monitoring tool powered by Google App Engine
Pre-release: SMTP Pro / Magento Gmail & Google Apps Email Beta testing (win a prize)
In a bid to help solve a weird 404 error that Kevin has been experiencing with the self test I offered him a pre-release copy of my upcoming ‘unified’ Magento email extension. It will support both SMTP and Google Apps/Gmail along with a few new features.
Anyway, if anyone is keen to try the extension please contact me or flick me an email or post a comment and let me know, I’ll send through the files, I’d rather not post it for public availability here yet, because it’s not as stable as I’d like. But expect it very soon!
Continue reading Pre-release: SMTP Pro / Magento Gmail & Google Apps Email Beta testing (win a prize)
PHP 1, Java 0: The method assertEquals(Object, Object) is ambiguous for the type
Th old Ashley would never say this, maybe I’ve been working with PHP too long, but seriously, I’m going to have to side with the dynamic language crowd on this one – I think I have been spending too much time developing with Magento!
After an Eclipse upgrade a whole raft of my unit tests started failing to compile with the error: The method assertEquals(Object, Object) is ambiguous for the type
. What this means is I’m passing an int
and and Integer
into a method that has two different signatures: assertEquals(Object, Object)
and assertEquals(int, int)
both of which could be called, thanks to autoboxing.
Continue reading PHP 1, Java 0: The method assertEquals(Object, Object) is ambiguous for the type